The Ever-Renewing Pool Fundraising Campaign

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The Ever-Renewing Pool Fundraising Campaign

For it is in giving that we receive

Support the Ever-Renewing Mission of The Hearts Center!

For over eighteen years, The Hearts Center has been blessed with a profound mission: to support our messenger in receiving, recording, publishing, and sharing over 6,500 HeartStreams with the world. Thanks to your generous contributions, we have created a worldwide virtual capability to broadcast daily services for planetary spiritual work. And we have created Meru University, offering online courses for our spiritual growth.

But our mission is far from over. As ambassadors of Saint Germain, we are called to expand our reach—to bring the Aquarian dispensation of the violet flame into practical action across the world. We must continue to grow and teach the principles of Aquarian spirituality, helping others understand and embody the transformative power of the violet flame.

Like the “Ever-Renewing Pool” from Flower Newhouse's Aspiring Toward Good Stewardship, our resources and potential are limitless when fed by God’s Inexhaustible Spirit. As we give generously from our overflow, we keep the spiritual currents circulating—nourishing ourselves and the world around us.

By continuing to tithe and donate, you are not only supporting the work of the ascended masters in the world, but you are also participating in the expansion of a global movement that transforms lives with light, truth, and love. Your contributions have already built the foundation, but together, we can achieve even greater things.

Help us continue this sacred work. With your generous support, we can broadcast more truth, uplift more lives, and bring the teachings of the violet flame to more souls.

Donate today and be part of the Ever-Renewing Pool of divine abundance!

Our goal is to raise $20,000 by December, 2024. Please prayerfully consider giving a gift today of any amount, above and beyond your tithes, to ensure that we continue to successfully fulfill the masters’ plans for The Hearts Center.

Thank you in advance for your support of The Hearts Center!

The fruits of friendship with God are so amazing. They manifest as the Divine flow of the Ever-Renewing Pool, which exists throughout the universe. These blessings are available for us to enjoy and assimilate—because it brings God immense joy to provide us with everything we need in each moment, allowing us to live fulfilled and glorious lives.

Your giving will help The Hearts Center movement to grow and expand, to teach and show the world the Aquarian dispensation of the violet flame and how to put it into practical action across the entire landscape of Aquarian spirituality.

We call to beloved Fortuna, beloved Glory and Gloria, beloved Mother Mary, beloved El Morya, all the angels of abundance and the Lords of Nature and Gold to multiply the gifts of our donors by all possible dispensations, graces and boons, according to God's will. May the angels deposit within your causal body, your own tree of life, many gifts of abundance that you can use and share with friends of light.

Community Alchemy Meditation

Please enjoy our gift of a guided meditation, linked below. Find a quiet space where you can experience these words, where your mind and heart can weave them into divine manifestations of grand abundance for our Hearts Center Community. Together we are co-creating a glorious future!

Ways to Donate

 You may donate on this page via credit or debit card, PayPal or E-Check.

 To make your donation by phone, please call 312-253-7600.

For donations by check, please make checks payable to The Hearts Center:

 The Hearts Center
PO Box 277
Livingston, MT 5904

The Hearts Center is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible.