Jesus’ Special Session: 20 Minutes
Jesus’ special sessions are designed to safeguard our lucid minds and clear us of possessing entities.
Jesus emphasized that these sessions are essential at this time due to the inroads of artificial intelligence, 5G, and electromagnetic pollution, which facilitate entities entering people’s minds. Additionally, these sessions will address the issues created by the numerous satellites in the atmosphere and the potential for mind control.
Jesus comes to perform miracles and healings of people’s minds and brains. He will address the challenges many people have with memory, word recall, and brain fog, which arise from the constant bombardment of negative energies we are often unaware of. David remarked that cell phones and computers also contribute to brain fog, lapses in consciousness, and diminished lucidity.
Jesus will place his hands over our heads and conduct divine golden-liquid light from the sun to clear us of negative energies—transforming our "gray matter" into "golden matter" and facilitating the emergence of our Christ Consciousness and Christ Mind, allowing us to think and feel in divine ways.
Ordering Instructions and Guidelines
David will call you at the phone number provided in your store account. As you go through the check-out process, please double check that it is the correct number. David’s call may appear to come from a restricted or private number.
Please provide a digital photograph of yourself less than one month old so that the master will be able to make direct contact with you for the highest outcome of the session. Send digital photos to
If a digital photograph is not received before 10 AM on the day of your session, your session will be cancelled and payment refunded.
Appointment times are US Mountain Time. Choose your desired date and time from the drop-down menu above and click on "Add to Cart."
These sessions are alchemical spiritual experiences and are not intended or designed to be psychological counseling sessions. When purchasing a session, you consent to this disclaimer.
Please see "Session Guidelines" below.
If you require help with your order, call Jeanette at 312-253-7600.
International Prices
Australia: $134 - Coupon Code SRS20
Europe: $134 - Coupon Code SRS20
Mexico, Central and South America: $72 - Coupon Code CSA
Africa (South Africa): $72- Coupon Code Africa
India (South Asia): $72- Coupon Code Asia
Session Instructions and Guidelines
Please review these instructions and guidelines, and keep for future reference.
David will call you at the scheduled time. Call times are US Mountain. Please note that the call may appear to come from a restricted or private number.
Provide a digital photograph of yourself less than one month old for the master to be able to make direct contact with you for the highest outcome of the session. Please send your photograph to A cellphone "selfie" is fine! If a digital photograph is not received before 10 AM on the day of your session, your session will be cancelled and payment refunded.
Your digital photograph will be deleted shortly after your session is completed.
Hearts Center staff will not provide or arrange for Spanish translation of Soul-Raising Sessions.
The masters prefer notes not be taken during the session in order that you remain completely present and focused on listening and experiencing the blessing.
You may record the session if you desire your own recording. Please begin your recording just before the session begins.
It is important to prepare for the session through deep prayer and meditation, preferably for at least 15 minutes.
Please keep your phone muted during the session except when prompted by the master to ask your question. If the phone being used does not have a mute button, remain as quiet as possible, turn off other phones, and eliminate other distracting noises.
David recommends waiting a month between sessions with the same master so as to fully absorb the message of that master, allowing it to do its work. However, you may schedule a session with a different one of the four masters each week. People may have only two sessions from each of these masters during their lifetime.
You may ask more than one question if the session is 20, 30 or 60 minutes long. Again, it’s best to prepare your questions. Questions may not be asked about twin flames/soul mates, one’s divine plan, or the percentage of karma balanced.
Please drink 1-2 glasses of pure water, preferably spring or purified water, after the session to help absorb and assimilate the light released and the action of any clearance that occurs.
During some sessions the action of the master’s blessing lasts for hours or days beyond the time of the session, so be conscious of this dynamic and attentive to the energies that are manifesting in your world.
What Question May I Ask?
As mentioned, it is important that you engage in deep introspection through meditation, silence, stillnesss and attunement to find questions that are essential to your soul. Questions should not be about what you should be doing, where you should live, work, whom you should be with, etc. The question or questions you ask, when addressed by the master will provide an impetus and the divine stimuli for you to make greater progress on your spiritual path, your path as a disciple, a devotee, an initiate.
In The Hearts Center community, we work on personal Self-realization and enlightenment because we know we are initiates. We know we have to do the work and dig deeper. The more we attune to our Divine Presence and the more we receive instruction through intuition, the greater our sensitivity becomes, the greater the sacred gifts of the Holy Spirit may be endowed upon us and vouchsafed to us so that our lives may truly be sublime. We can live gloriously in oneness with God in our Divine Self. Formulate your question in this light.
How Do I Access the Audio Recording of My Session?
When you purchased your session, you were sent an email with the subject line:
Instructions for Soul-Raising Session scheduled for (date of session)
This email contains a link to the audio recording of your session that looks like this:
"Within 24 hours a recording of your Soul-Raising Session will be available
for you to download or listen to here:”
If you require help with your audio recording, please email or call 312-253-7600.
I had a Soul-Raising Session with Jesus and I want to say that it was absolutely wonderful. I had a very important question and Jesus answered it thoroughly. Also, I have had some physical problems. David recommended just what I needed and my health problems have improved. Please thank beloved David for his wonderful work. —S.M.
I had the most wonderful session with David today! As a testimonial, I want to share with others that It was so comforting, enlightening, and healing to my soul! And it helped me to understand my path more clearly--why I'm here and where I am going! He also helped me to have more insight into my husband, who is very sick and in the process of dying. So for anyone who has a loved one ready to cross over, it could be very helpful to have a session with David to gain insight into what their future life is going be and also help prepare them for their transition. Thanks so much! —J. E.
I realize the depth of clearance Jesus gave me, "flooding golden light into the 'grey muck brain' " memories and self-criticism. Magda cleared an old pattern of irritation. Sometimes we don't see how much we affect others by our unspoken energy UNTIL WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR EMOTIONAL VIBES. I am deeply thankful for His love and peace more each day. —K.K.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to give my testimony of this session with Jesus. I really wanted to do it and I was thinking about how to do it. Please use the whole recording, I have no problem with reserving what might be more personal, if you think it might be helpful to others.
I always was, am and will be an enthusiastic fan of Soul-Raising Sessions, of which I can only say that they are fantastic and the best means I have known in my already long life for union with my own divinity and for my enlightenment, healing and liberation in ways that I cannot yet realize with my mind but do feel with my heart. What I feel is that each Soul-Raising Session I had poured its graces on the foundation of the previous one, and they all formed the platform that allowed this session with Beloved Jesus/David to be so special.
In synthesis, I felt the Presences of Jesus and Magda like never before, I felt their golden energy flooding me and I could almost see cracks in my heart being sealed with gold, as is an ancient Japanese practice with broken pottery. I felt renewed blood bubbling in my body and also an instant rejuvenation, as if 20, 30 or even 40 years had been taken off my body. And I felt young again, energetic, eager to live a golden life, full of joy.
I have no words to describe the final blessing that closed the session. David pronounced a mantra and I felt that he was Jesus and at the same time he was David and the two were united in a way that is difficult to explain and his words crossed all barriers and went into the core of my heart, enlivening it. It is the first time that I had words, emotions and even physical sensations present for so many hours after the session (8 hours as I write this) and I also feel a deep love for David/Jesus. I felt deep in my heart and soul the blessing of Jesus and Magda and also David.
I take this opportunity to thank our Beloved Messenger for all the sacrifices he has made and is making to be in complete harmony with the Masters and the inner Divinity of each one of us. Thank you, David, for being and for lighting our path. May God the Father/Mother return to you in abundance all these blessings that flow through you and bless you plentifully. — M.C.P
What a blessing to feel the love of Jesus and Magda through their healing and protection of me and even my home and neighborhood during my recent Soul-Raising Session. Their esteem and trust, their caring gives me courage to keep going, to keep doing the work, to keep striving for a deeper communion.
I sometimes am discouraged. I don’t feel that I am doing the greater works or stepping into the adeptship required of me. Yet, when I see the changes that have occurred over the decades in my character, my psychology, my consciousness, I know without question that transformation is a great work, a miracle of grace spawned through heaven’s ministrations to my soul day in and day out.
Every SRS, and I have had nine of them, is a huge goad to never give up on myself or the promises of God for our community, our nation and our planet. Every SRS makes it easier to live in faith, in affirmation, in magnanimity of heart. Each session encourages me to continue to walk Gautama’s New Eightfold Path of the Heart Virtues with greater determination. —C.W.