El Morya’s Zen Zingers

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El Morya’s Zen Zingers: Enlightened & Humorous Quips for Today

David Christopher Lewis
8 Illustrations by David Keil
Paperback, 168 pages

In the tradition of what Master El Morya released a century ago in the Agni Yoga teachings, the great Mahatma (“M”), who worked with Kuthumi (“K.H.”) to inspire Blavatsky, Olcott and Judge in 1875 to co-found Theosophy, telepath to a 21st Century amanuensis name David Christopher Lewis these pithy wisdom pearls that he calls spiritual quips. Each zinger may confound our carnal mind and/or lead us to a state of greater levity and laughter.

Keep your wits amongst others’ snits.

Fill your mind with emptiness.

I know who you aren’t.

We resist those who insist.

Spiritual flight is governed by light.

Fame sought oft comes to naught.

The infirm should not lead you into battle.

El Morya says, “Replenish your inner sanctum through prayer.” Prayer allows us to have the rejuvenation of our soul, our hearts and the innermost part of our beings. True prayer nurtures us as much as it nurtures those for whom we pray or situations that we pray for. In this replenishing of our inner sanctum, we are rejuvenated through spiritual light. We are comforted by the Holy Spirit. We receive the divine resources to go through our day. That’s why prayer is excellent early in the morning before we engage in our daily work, so that we have that reservoir within our inner sanctum of light. We’ve replenished our light by connecting and reconnecting with God—God within us, God all around us— through prayer and through meditation so that our day is fully charged with joy, radiance and light.

“Co-create a new, loving logic.” It’s interesting, because you don’t think of logic as being about love, and yet there is a logic to love that is beyond this world, that is godly and is of the Logos. So if we are co-creating a new, loving logic, it transcends the logic of our human society and civilization today. And it goes into pure compassion, which is Buddhic mindfulness of the highest order with Lord Maitreya, planetary Buddha and former World Teacher. This type of loving logic is what Buddhic mindfulness, compassion and loving-kindness are.


El Morya—co-founder of Theosophy with Kuthumi. El Morya—Eastern adept from whom many insightful wisdom teachings flowed to his Russian amanuenses—Nicholas and Helena Roerich. El Morya—of whom one especially devoted disciple once penned, “I loved him before I knew him.”

El Morya—Chohan of the Will of God for mankind, progenitor of numberless generations as the archetypal father-figure Abraham, noble knight of the famed Round Table era as King Arthur, staunch ally of God as the learned and illustrious Thomas More, Mogul emperor Akbar who conquered many Asiatic lands and peoples but whose visionary leadership and compassionate acceptance of all religious persuasions is historic and could be universally applied to mankind’s great benefit today.

When El Morya came to me to begin dictating these charming nuggets of wisdom, which he termed “quips,” I was somewhat in awe, having read many of the often enigmatic yet power-packed verses in his Agni Yoga releases. As I received them, my heart leapt. I often laughed within, witnessing his cosmic humor unfold as I penned each line. My inner vision increased during these sessions when his radiance, his noble view on life were transferred to my mind.

El Morya is a no-nonsense master. He can concentrate into a few words the essence of the Godhead that can change us forever. As his heart-mind connection is melded with ours, we rise in consciousness to see life from a newer, more objective and more loving and forgiving perspective— a godly, bird’s eye view.

In this book, we have included El Morya’s Quips as they were originally and chronologically released beginning in September of 2005. There may seem to be repetitions, yet the master often re-emphasizes the core teachings of truth because we tend to forget them in our daily lives, interactions and relationships. We should read them in the greater context of the master’s purpose—to help us evolve beyond our current, limited mind-sets with his Zen wisdom.

Too sparse in today’s superficial communication within the news and social media is the empowered and artful delivery of divine inspiration. Knowing that in our own busy lives we often take time to catch only media sound bites here and there, El Morya uses this means to deliver concise morsels of truth. “Master for All Seasons,” he comes to win us over to his true-blue frequencies of higher gnosis. Resting in his presence of joy, we contemplate our own solar awareness that will help reconnect us with our Source.

As you chuckle and muse with the master upon reading his quips, El Morya says, “O humble traveler on the road of life, become the adept, become the master.”

—David Christopher Lewis