The Science of Miracles: RE-Membering the Frequency of Love
by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon
Paperback, 150 pages
You can’t pee in the pool and hope it doesn’t get everywhere! With energy it is the exact same way. Issues in one area of your life affects everything. Tired of cycling the merry-go-rounds of negative patterns in your life? Join Dr. Sharnael and understand the simplified beautiful marriage of Quantum Physics and Spirit. Apply her easy formulas to your own life and experience your personal quantum leap miracles today. You deserve a Super-natural life every moment of every day. Start today!
"What a beautiful harmony of science and Spirit! Dr. Sharnael has taken the mystification and superstition out of many misunderstood realities and made it in an easy to understand book based in the spiritual and physical laws of God." -David Stewart, PhD
"Read this book and be divinely timed for your highest good and waking up to a new future of reserve manifestation!" -Dr. Marcella Vonn Harting, PhD
"The hallmark of a good author and teacher is to present complex information in a simple way. Dr. Sharnael skillfully unmasks the Spirit and Light in us so we can have the necessary shift within ourselves and process the miracles we desire. Dr. Sharnael is a leader who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way!" -Thomas Lucky MD, P(MD)
"Dr. Sharnael is the “Real Deal.” I consider Dr. Sharnael a Master Teacher, Inspirer, Leader, Doer and Servant of our Creator on every level. Her vast study of Scripture, Science, Quantum Physics and life raise others!" -Robert Tennyson Stevens