The Elixir of Immortality: How to Become One with the Divine
by Wayne Purdin
eBook, 193 pages
The Elixir of Immortality explores the mystical state of union with the divine and dissolution of the self through what has been called The Way in various spiritual paths such as Gnosticism, Tantra Yoga, esoteric Christianity, and Taoism. Various approaches to self-transcendence are discussed such as near-death experiences, unconditional love, the initiatic path, and the concept of life as a dream or multidimensional holographic virtual reality game. Each chapter ends with affirmations and a to-do-and-be list to anchor the chapter’s concepts mentally and experientially. This book is actually the result of the author merging with his higher self, Eli, and spiritual beings who flowed through him inspired words of wisdom. Drink deeply from this fount.
About the Author
Wayne Purdin is an author, editor, and spiritual teacher. His works include self-help books, children’s stories, and thought-provoking essays, distilled from 45 years of experience on the spiritual path. Wayne was a teacher of TM for 9 years and spent 31 years studying ascended-master teachings. Through the techniques of sun yoga, Wayne healed himself of leukemia. As director of the Sun Center of Phoenix, he promoted the solar teachings of Hira Ratan Manek and Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. He has taught four online webinar courses: Solar Health/Solar Wealth, the Initiatic School of the Great White Brotherhood, Divine Magic, and the Wonderful Wisdom of Oz. Wayne produced the popular video Beyond 2012: A Vision of the Golden Crystal Age, of which he says, “I combined the breathtaking imagery of Mario Duguay, the inspiring words of Manjushri through David, and the celestial music of Harold Moses into this video as a powerful alchemical experiment. If enough people watch this video and desire the golden crystal age, it will manifest.”
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