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Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader's Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line

Price: $14.99
  • SKU3200-2-0082
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Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader's Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line by Abby Johnson

Paperback: 288 pages


A compelling story of crisis and change, Unplanned is also a reminder of how grace finds us in unlikely places, and how we can all reach out with love to those who stand on opposing sides.


Abby Johnson exposes what happens behind the closed doors of the abortion industry. She explains how she went from directing an abortion facility to working for the prolife cause!


  • What initially attracted Abby to volunteer and then work for Planned Parenthood
  • The hidden personal secret that Abby had kept buried for years
  • The shocking discovery that suddenly caused Abby to question everything Planned Parenthood had told her for over eight years
  • Planned Parenthood's confidential plans to expand its biggest money-maker -- abortion
  • The abortion industry's furious reaction when Abby decided to quit her job and join local and national pro-life efforts
  • What Abby's court battle brought to light about Planned Parenthood's real agenda
  • The things she’d believed and told patients that she discovered not to be true
  • The courage and resilience she’s seen on both sides of the fence—from staff members to clients in crisis to prayerful volunteers
  • An insider’s perspective on Planned Parenthood’s practices as well as the heartfelt but misguided efforts of some radical antiabortion activists - what doesn't work
  • The single most effective way to reduce Planned Parenthood's abortion business and change the hearts and minds of clinic workers - a profound lesson in the power of love

