Daily Meditations 2025

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Daily Meditations 2025

by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Paperback 400 pages
Includes index

An Inspiring Thought for Every Day of the Year
Daily Meditations 2025 by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov is a must for every heartfriend. A true messenger of the Great White Brotherhood in the lineage of the Order of Melchizedek, beloved Omraam delivers truth in simple, practical and powerful terms. Order your copy and be inspired every day of the year.

From 25 September – Try to become more alive every day—therein lies your salvation. To become more alive means to share your light and warmth with others. It is so delightful to meet creatures in whom we sense an abundance of life and light. We love trees because they bear fruit; we love a spring because it gives us water; we love flowers because of their color and their scent.

In the same way, we love those who open up to give us something pure, luminous, and warm. So, learn to cultivate this generous outpouring of life. Get into the habit of smiling, of looking at people with love, of tearing a few particles from your heart and giving them to others. It is you who will feel happier for it.. —Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov