The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship
by Don Miguel Ruiz
Paperback 210 pages
In the tradition of Carlos Castaneda, the author distills essential Toltec wisdom on human relationships as well as techniques for integrating this awareness into daily life. In The Mastery of Love, don Miguel Ruiz brings a combination of his own teachings and ancient Toltec wisdom to bear on one of the most difficult topics today: relationships. He draws on the three Toltec Masteries -- Awareness, Transformation, and Love -- to show readers how to shed their fears and move to a new level of understanding and feeling that paves the path to love. The author's engaging stories bring the possibilities to life.
About the Author:
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. is a Nagual, a Toltec Master of Transformation. He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Knight lineage and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz. By combining the wisdom of his family's tradition with the knowledge gained from his own personal journey, he now helps others realize their own path to personal freedom.