Her Father's Garden
by James Vollbracht
Paperback, 40 pages
In a village high above the clouds, where nobody's happy and nothing grows, a little girl dreams of a garden flourishing behind her father's house. Every day the cynical villagers watch and mock the little girl. But, watered with her kindness and patience, the garden eventually yields the most important fruit: the restored hope and happiness of the entire village.
For children ages 4 to 8.
About the Author
After spending over 30 years teaching and working with schools, communities, and non-profit organizations across North America in creating a culture that cares for our most important resource – our kids – I became acutely aware we were leaving out our most important audience – our children and youth. So, I've started a new initiative to recognize "everyday" kids for their incredible contributions to creating a positive, new world. This approach is designed to have our kids, many who want to make a positive difference recognized, and to inspire other youth to make a difference within their own circle of influence. They will receive "Golden Circle Awards" and their local media will be contacted. Our mission is to focus on what's working, whose striving to bring more beauty, kindness, and peace to the world - and it's our kids!
I first read this book when my children were little. It inspired me to look at them as the most precious jewel, to believe in there potential and to treat them as if they were this vision I had of them. They believed it. Today they're young adults who have grown to be all that I had envisioned of them: responsible, kind, and happy. This book has also guided my vision as an educator and helped me to always believe in the precious essence of every child and to make them believe it too. Wonderful book, essential for every parent and educator. —Amira Valle