5-Minute Holy Spirit Blessing with Gemstone Talisman (Phone)

Price: $33.00
  • SKU3200-0-0183
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5-Minute Holy Spirit Blessing with Gemstone Talisman


The Holy Spirit will perform an etheric talismanic blessing through David Christopher Lewis - an everlasting grace & individual blessing flows directly to your soul.


Instrucciones en español


Ordering Instructions

  • David will call the phone number you provide in your store account. As you go through the check-out process, please double check that it is the correct one. Please note that the call may appear to come from a restricted or private number.
  • *NEW* You must provide a digital photograph of yourself that is less than one month old for the Holy Spirit to be able to make direct contact with you for the highest outcome of the session. Send digital photos to SoulRaisingSessions@heartscenter.org.
  • Please note that your session will be cancelled and your money refunded if a digital photograph is not received before 10 AM on the day your session is scheduled to begin.

  • Appointment times are US Mountain Time.
  • Choose your desired date and time from the drop-down menu above and click "Add to Cart".
  • Please see "Session Guidelines" below.
  • If you require help with your order, please call 312-253-7600.


International Prices

Australia: $31 - Coupon Code SRS5
Europe: $31 - Coupon Code SRS5
Mexico, Central and South America: $16.50 - Coupon Code CSA
Africa (South Africa): $16.50 - Coupon Code Africa
India (South Asia): $16.50 - Coupon Code Asia

The Holy Spirit Overshines David to Bless You

The divine spiritual grace flowing to you will be personal for you. The Holy Spirit will do what she desires in each session. Personal healings are not guaranteed yet possibilities for healing may come through the Holy Spirit’s divine grace and comfort. By giving the Holy Spirit license to perform this alchemy with your soul, the wave patterns of light released through the agency of the Holy Spirit will be such that you will receive initiatic cycles of light.


David's Comments on Soul-Raising Sessions from July 20, 2016

"Sometimes the anointing, the blessing, the encouragement, the Soul Raising is facilitated in such a way that you can expand it and help others. That’s what I saw over and over again. It is not just about your own Soul Raising. You are raised up so that you can raise others up. And that is the magnanimous nature of each one of these blessings.

You are consecrated, accelerated, and invested with greater light and fields of divine joy and beingness. I see each person who goes through this as now being even more expressive of their true Self. You have a greater sense of your purpose and mission beyond what you may have humanly conceived you were capable of because God is great and God is great in you.

That’s the beauty of these sessions. It reconnects us to the sense of who we truly are as spiritual beings—yes, living in these veils of flesh—and yet still totally connected to God and one with God in our essence and having all these sacred abilities, resources that we can draw upon, and dynamics of alchemy that we can utilize in our work. It’s so important that you have these sessions.



"This was my fifth soul-raising session with David. Each time has proven to be informative, enlivening, encouraging and eternally useful. Thank God for David who magnetizes, interprets and radiates the Holy Spirit and the realms of the Divine." —S.G.

"I only have accolades for my 15-minute Soul-Raising Session. Feelings of kindness, support, honesty, and friendship were a part of my experience. I wasn't expecting to feel so comfortable. I actually had a few laughs in our sharing. The only issue I had was with myself that I didn't sign up for a longer session, but next time I will. I have listened to the recording a number of times and just feel the joy of our sincere connection. Thank you, David!" —J.A.
"Uplifting and emotionally moving to hear one's divine worthiness and gifts (and everyone has them!). Gives one reassurance to continue walking and persevering on their path. A priceless reading from a kind, insightful soul. Hope you get one if you feel so called and hope it goes better than you could ever imagine! God bless". —R.C.
"This was a cosmic experience, something I’ve never had in my life! I was taken right up to the throne of God and shown my divine purpose as a being. I tell you, this changes how you think about yourself! I still get chills when I think about everything I learned about my soul. I can’t tell you how life-changing it is and I encourage everyone to have a session." —C.B.

"I desire to witness that I had my Soul-changing experience with the Holy Spirit about a week ago and it just keeps evolving. I am grateful. All glory to God! It altered me. I encourage everyone to take the leap and give it a try." —L.D.

"Once you get the blessing, you will know that it’s not some random blessing that comes out of a hat. It’s really for you. It gives you such a feeling that the Holy Spirit really knows you. You know that everything about you, what you’ve been doing and what your real Self is, God knows, and this communion that you have is undeniably sincere and the truth." —N.B.

"It was a very impressive session that took place. There is a very special elemental who works closely with me and will bless all those who volunteer at the Healing Light Retreat. There is also a mysterious great divine being who has been with me for many eras and she is there to assist me." –M.G.

"Among other things, I was granted a talisman and an ability to bless and raise locations in the Earth and people, and groups of people. I feel that it is something that I will use. And I will continue to develop the ability to use it more efficaciously all the rest of my life. It’s like a life assignment and a grant in a more than ordinary way." —B.B.

Session Guidelines

Please review these instructions and keep for future reference.

  • David will call you at the scheduled time. Call times are US Mountain. Please note that the call may appear to come from a restricted or private number. Please notify us if your phone number has changed from what is listed above.
  • You must provide a digital photograph of yourself that is less than one month old for the Holy Spirit to be able to make direct contact with you for the highest outcome of the session. Please send a recent digital photograph to SoulRaisingSessions@heartscenter.org . A cellphone "selfie" is fine! Please note that your session will be cancelled and your money refunded if a digital photograph is not received by 4pm two business days before your session is scheduled to begin.
  • Your digital photograph will be deleted shortly after your session is completed.
  • Hearts Center staff will not provide or arrange for Spanish translation of Soul-Raising Sessions.
  • The Holy Spirit prefers that people not take notes during the session in order to remain completely present and focused on listening and experiencing the blessing.
  • It is okay for you to record the session. Please begin your recording just before the session begins.
  • It is important for you to prepare for the session through deep prayer and meditation, preferably for at least 15 minutes.
  • Please keep your phone muted during the session except when prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask your question. If the phone being used does not have a mute button, remain as quiet as possible, turn off other phones and eliminate other distracting noises.
  • You may ask one question during a 5 or 10-minute session. It is preferable to write down your question to make it clear and succinct. You may ask more than one question if the session is 20, 30 or 60 minutes long. Again, it’s best to prepare and write down your questions. Questions may not be asked about twin flames/soul mates or "What is my divine plan? or “How much karma have I balanced? ".
  • You are encouraged to drink 1-2 glasses of pure water, preferably spring or purified water, after the session to help absorb and assimilate the light released and the action of any clearance that occurs.
  • During some sessions the action of the Holy Spirit’s blessing lasts for hours or days beyond the time of the session, so be conscious of this dynamic and attentive to the energies that are manifesting in your world.

How Many Sessions May I Receive?

People may have unlimited Holy Spirit Sessions (SRS), though no more than one per month.


How Do I Access the Audio Recording of My Session?

When you purchased your session you were sent an email with the subject line of:

Instructions for Soul-Raising Session scheduled for (date of session)

This email contains a link to the audio recording of your session that looks like this:

"Within 24 hours a recording of your Soul-Raising Session will be available
for you to download or listen to here:

If you require help with your audio recording , please email SoulRaisingSessions@heartscenter.org or call 312-253-7600.



Sesión de la Elevación del Alma de 5 minutos con David Christopher Lewis con talismán de piedra preciosa

¡Nuevo! Foto requerida ahora. Ver instrucciones a continuación.

¡Reciba una Lectura del Alma del Espíritu Santo, una Limpieza del Aura y una Bendición de Ola por teléfono!

Instrucciones para pedir una sesión

  • David llamará al número de teléfono que usted proporciona en su cuenta de la tienda. Cuando complete el pago, por favor, compruebe que número de teléfono es correcto.
  • NUEVO Debe proporcionar una fotografía digital de usted que tenga menos de un mes de antigüedad para que el Espíritu Santo pueda ponerse en contacto directo con usted para obtener el mejor resultado de la sesión. Las instrucciones sobre dónde enviar su fotografía digital se proporcionarán en el correo electrónico que recibirá cuando se envíe y complete su pedido.
  • Los horarios de cita en la tienda web son hora Montana, EU.
  • Elija la fecha y hora deseadas en el menú desplegable de arriba y haga clic en "Add to Cart” (Agregar al carrito).
  • Consulte las "Pautas para la sesión" a continuación.
  • Si necesita ayuda con su pedido, envia un correo electronico a claire@heartscenter.org o llama al 1-312-253-7600


Precios Internacionales

Australia $31
Europa $31 Código de cupón Europe
Mexico, América Central y del Sur $16.50 Código de Cupón CSA
África (Sudáfrica) $16.50 Código de cupón Africa
India (Asia del Sur) $16.50 Código de cupón Asia


El Espíritu Santo Pone Su Presencia sobre David para Bendecirte

Durante el Solsticio de Verano de 2016, el Maha Chohan, el representante del Espíritu Santo, inició un nuevo ciclo y dispensación de gracia curativa del alma a través del movimiento del Hearts Center.

A través de este nuevo manto, David conducirá Sesiones de Elevación del Alma patrocinadas por el Espíritu Santo. El tremendo poder de la liberación de la luz a través de la agencia del Espíritu Santo le proporcionará el alivio de los patrones antiguos y registros alojados en los campos sutiles y los pliegues de su ser y de su mente y subconsciente e inconsciente.


Experimentarás cambio, transformación y elevación

La divina gracia espiritual que fluye hacia usted será personal para usted. El Espíritu Santo hará lo que ella desee en cada sesión. Las curaciones personales no están garantizadas, pero las posibilidades de curación pueden venir a través de la gracia divina y el consuelo del Espíritu Santo. Al dar la licencia del Espíritu Santo para realizar esta alquimia con su alma, los patrones de las ondas de luz liberados por medio del Espíritu Santo serán tales que recibirás ciclos iniciáticos de luz.


Comentarios de David sobre las Sesiones de Elevación del Alma del 20 de julio de 2016

"A veces se facilita la unción, la bendición, y el estímulo de la Elevación del Alma de tal manera que puedas expandirla y ayudar a otros. Eso es lo que he visto una y otra vez. No se trata solamente de la elevación de tu propia alma. Estas elevado para poder elevar a otros. Esa es la magnanimidad de cada una de estas bendiciones.

Ustedes son consagrados, acelerados, e investidos con mayor luz y campos de alegría y seidad divina. Veo a cada persona que pasa por esto aún más expresiva de su verdadero Ser. Tienes un mayor sentido de tu propósito y tu misión más allá de lo que puedas haber concebido humanamente porque Dios es grande y Dios es grande en ti.

Esa es la belleza de estas sesiones. Nos vuelve a conectar con lo que realmente somos como seres espirituales—siempre viviendo en estos velos de carne—y sin embargo todavía totalmente conectados con Dios y uno con Dios en nuestra esencia. Tenemos todas estas habilidades sagradas, estos recursos que podemos utlilizar y la dinámica de la alquimia que podemos utilizar en nuestro trabajo. Es muy importante tener estas sesiones.


Pautas para la sesión

  • David lo llamará a la hora programada. Asegúrese de que el número de teléfono en su dirección de facturación es correcto. Este es el número de teléfono que David utilizará para llamarle para su sesión.
  • La sesión dura 20 minutos.
  • El Espíritu Santo prefiere que las personas no tomen notas durante la sesión para permanecer completamente presentes y enfocadas en escuchar y experimentar la bendición.
  • Está bien grabar la session. Por favor comience la grabación justo antes de que empiece la sesión. (David siempre lo graba y usted recibirà un enlace para recuperar la grabación.)
  • Es importante que se prepare para la sesión a través de la oración profunda y la meditación, preferiblemente durante al menos 15 minutos.
  • Mantenga el teléfono en silencio (sin poder hablar) durante la sesión, excepto cuando el Espíritu Santo le pida su pregunta. Si el teléfono que está utilizando no tiene un botón de silencio, permanezca lo más silencioso posible, apague otros teléfonos y elimine otros ruidos que distraigan.
  • Le animamos a beber 1-2 vasos de agua pura, preferiblemente de primavera o agua purificada, después de la sesión para ayudar a absorber y asimilar la luz liberada y la acción de cualquier bendición que se produzca.
  • Durante algunas sesiones la acción de la bendición del Espíritu Santo dura horas o días más allá del tiempo de la sesión, así que sea consciente de esta dinámica y esté atento a las energías que se manifiestan en su mundo.


¿Cuántas sesiones puedo recibir?

Las personas pueden recibir tantas sesiones como quieran, sin embargo, no más de una consecutivamente.


¿Cómo puedo acceder a la grabación de audio de mi sesión?

Cuando adquirió su sesión, se le envió un correo electrónico con la línea de asunto:

“Instrucciones para Soul-Raising Session” programada para (fecha de la sesión).

Este correo electrónico contiene un enlace a la grabación de audio de su sesión que se ve así:

"Dentro de 24 horas una grabación de su Soul-Raising Session estará disponible para descargar o escuchar aquí:

Si necesita ayuda con su grabación de audio, envíe un correo electrónico a SoulRaisingSessions@heartscenter.org o llame al 1-312-253-7600.