Divine Director Sessions

Price: $100.00
  • SKU3200-0-0253
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Divine Director Sessions with David Christopher Lewis


Divine Director Sessions with David Christopher Lewis

Divine Director is offering 30-minute sessions on fulfilling your divine plan in your life. These thirty-minute sessions will allow you to ask three major questions and receive guidance from the Manu of the Seventh Era. El Morya advises that it is important to take advantage of this opportunity in order to see clearly through the Divine Director’s perfected vision who you are as a God Self-realized man or woman. He requests that you come with poignant and specific questions as well as appropriate suggestions from your heart on how you may fulfill your divine plan in your remaining years upon Earth.

You may not ask, “O Divine Director, what should I do? What is my divine plan?” El Morya states that this is not a question that initiates ask. They propose, and then the master disposes or approves. The initiate takes full responsibility for his or her life, sees beyond today into the future domains of light and in a pre-awakened state, envisions what he or she desires to accomplish on behalf of the Lord God, the chohans, the Manus of the Ages. If you are truly a visionary of any kind, you will learn the art and science of prescience, previewing what is your destiny fulfilled and then making it so by concerted action, by courageous work and service. Therefore, prepare your questions with this in mind.

Divine Director Sessions are open to everyone. Each person may have one session ever and the questions must be prepared as stated. All sessions are 30 minutes, no less, no more. There are no international discounts for these sessions because the fee of $100 is truly a phenomenal dispensation by the master.

Ordering Instructions

  • David will call the phone number you provided in your store account. As you go through the check-out process, please make sure that it is the correct number. Please note that the call you receive may appear to come from a restricted or private number.

  • You must provide a digital photograph of yourself that is less than one month old for the Divine Director to be able to make direct contact with you for the highest outcome of the session. Send digital photos to SoulRaisingSessions@heartscenter.org.
  • Please note that your session will be cancelled and your money refunded if a digital photograph is not received by 10am MT the day your session is scheduled to begin.
  • Appointment times are US Mountain Time.
    • Choose your desired date and time from the drop-down menu above and click "Add to Cart".
    • Please see "Session Guidelines" below.
    • No international discounts on the $100 fee.
  • If you require help with your order, please call 312-253-7600.

Session Guidelines

Please review these instructions and keep for future reference .

  • David will call you at the scheduled time. Call times are US Mountain. Please note that the call you receive may appear to come from a restricted or private number. Please notify us if your phone number has changed from what is listed above.

  • You must provide a digital photograph of yourself that is less than one month old for the Divine Director to be able to make direct contact with you for the highest outcome of the session. Please send a recent digital photograph to SoulRaisingSessions@heartscenter.org . A cellphone "selfie" is fine! Please note that your session will be cancelled and your money refunded if a digital photograph is not received by 10:00 am MT the day your session is scheduled to begin.

  • Your digital photograph will be deleted shortly after your session is completed.

  • Only one session per person.

  • Hearts Center staff will not provide or arrange for Spanish translation of Soul-Raising Sessions.

  • It's best not to take notes during the session in order to remain completely present and focused on listening and experiencing the blessing. Your session will be recorded for you to access.

  • It is okay for you to record the session if you desire your own recording. Please begin your recording just before the session begins.

  • It is important for you to prepare for the session through deep prayer and meditation, preferably for at least 15 minutes.

  • Please keep your phone muted during the session except when prompted by the Divine Director to ask your questions. If the phone being used does not have a mute button, remain as quiet as possible, turn off other phones and eliminate other distracting noises.

  • You are encouraged to drink 1-2 glasses of pure water, preferably spring or purified water, after the session to help absorb and assimilate the light released and the action of any clearance that occurs.

  • During some sessions the action of the Divine Director’s blessing lasts for hours or days beyond the time of the session, so be conscious of this dynamic and attentive to the energies that are manifesting in your world.

How Do I Access the Audio Recording of My Session?

When you purchased your session, you were sent an email with the subject line of:

Instructions for Soul-Raising Session scheduled for (date of session)

This email contains a link to the audio recording of your session that looks like this:

"Within 24 hours a recording of your Soul-Raising Session will be available
for you to download or listen to here:

If you require help with your audio recording , please email SoulRaisingSessions@heartscenter.org or call 312-253-7600.


"For the record (Akashic), I wanted to share my experience with the Great Divine Director. It was not what I expected, yet better than hoped for.

Having listened to most of your live heartstreams in the Sanctuary of the Heart this last year, I've been increasingly tuning in to the unique  frequencies and conscious languaging of the different Masters coming through.

That uniqueness was enhanced with this direct communication. There was a 'knowing' which transcended 'believing' or 'thinking'... a very personal message that was more about a co-Creation process in three core aspects of my life... that were spot on. Couldn't have said it better while in my Higher Self:)

I'm sure that every experience is entirely unique to the individual because the 'download' from the Divine Director initiates an alchemical process which triggers an awareness of that which was obscure.

In my case, I realized within 24 hours what was going on with my brain and outer sight. This may sound strange, but is extremely personal to my experience with macular degeneration of vision in my left eye with only about 30% vision. Since each eyeball directly connects to the opposite hemisphere of the brain, left-brain dominant individuals like myself rely on the right eye which is sharp with my glasses.

My point is that I leave my left-brain at the office when I come to services where I go 'non-linear' and receptive-feminine rather than assertive and projective-masculine. And as I go into my 'Right Brain', my fuzzy left eye is 'sensitized' (dominant) and my clear right eye is 'desensitized' (recessive).

I had been wondering why my vision was getting blurry when I came to services, and why I was struggling to read the daily meditations.

Now I know.

THANK YOU Beloved Great Divine Director:)" —C.R.


"The Divine Director Session I received from David Christopher Lewis yesterday was the most powerful session to date. I enjoy soul raising sessions when I’m guided because they are a way to be really heard in a society that doesn’t always understand or appreciate the psychically sensitive.

I was gifted infusions of so much hope and light. This session empowered me to shift out of a state of low grade bitterness, loss of momentum and depleted energy back towards renewed enthusiasm for my life’s purpose.

This last year I have experienced a harsh betrayal of unbelievable proportions and the people involved are ignoring this deep financial injustice as if above the law.  It is within legal channels at my expense but still there has been little support or movement.  It has effecred  my life in all aspects but mostly was reflecting as a deep discouragement and loss of life force towards my gifts.

Somehow with this blessing, I let go some lifetime traumatic based imprints and distortions regarding self worth, divine feminine repression, freedom and authority. It goes much deeper than words can really say. A weight has been lifted off me and my younger self. With the restored energy, clarity and hope I am able to reset myself for 2022 and embrace my loving service on this planet again and approach the legal matter with renewed strength towards a solution! It is also helping me to see more clearly regarding the emerging power of the divine feminine." —C.W.


“The session was an inspiring opportunity to receive a measure of my souls progress on the accomplishment of my divine plan.  From the preparation by evaluating what I saw as the strings of my life’s path to the Great Divine Directors guidance to see the heights of Victory that are yet possible within the span of my life.  From thinking that I had to start on another path to realizing that the one I had been on just needed to be taken higher and to be shown that going from doing to teaching was the same path, just a different way of reaching the end.  It is comforting and yet enlivening to see that ones choices were strategically correct over a lifetime.  And then to know that ones Heart kept the feet always pointing forwards.  A truly amazing and blessed opportunity." —L.B.


A moment before I received the phone call from David I felt a blue light surge up the middle finger in the palm of my left hand. I remember thinking that the feeling of it was quite palpable. Then David rang up and explained that this session was more of a life review where the Divine Director scans my life and tells where things have gone on in one direction or another. Soul development critique, is what I called it afterwards, and it was an overview which sometime somewhere needs to be perceived by the initiate within the initiate's own life. Well, who better to do this spiritual, sacred overview than the Great Divine Director? I can assure you it was truly Divine. —S.G.