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What is a Spiritual Master

Price: $12.95
  • SKU3200-2-0034
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by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov. 185 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. How to Recognize a True Spiritual Master
  2. The Necessity for a Spiritual Master
  3. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
  4. The Exotic Should not be Confused with Spirituality
  5. Learn How to Balance the Material and Spiritual Worlds
  6. A Master is a Mirror Reflecting the Truth
  7. A Master is There Only to Give Light
  8. The Disciple and His Master
  9. The Universal Dimension of a Master
  10. The Magical Presence of a Master
  11. Identification
  12. 'Except Ye Become as Little Children...'


The main purpose of this book is to clarify this question. A master is that prodigious being who can lead men to the highest summits of the spirit, but for him as well as for his disciples, this sublime venture can succeed only if it is accompanied by a rigorous inner adherence to truth and selflessness.

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