The Ascension Revelations - Spiral Bound

Price: $25.00
  • SKU3200-1-0145
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The Ascension Revelations: Serapis Bey on the Mystery of Eternal Life

by David Christopher Lewis
Includes 15 color images by artist David Keil and 20 photographs from a 2006 pilgrimage to Egypt
Paperback, 360 pages

Mankind is becoming ever more intrigued by the term ascension, which, denotes a victorious overcoming of gravity or negative karma resulting in liberation from rebirth and reunion with the Divine. The Holy Bible shares three examples of this miraculous event (Enoch, Elijah and Jesus) and in Buddhism this final overcoming often results in the manifestation of the “rainbow body.”

In this epic work, David Christopher Lewis shares deep insights from the ascended master Serapis Bey, who continues to teach and train candidates for the ascension in an etheric retreat and temple of light over Luxor, Egypt. These candidates have qualified for this greatest of initiations through purity of heart, selflessness, sacrificial service and total forgiveness of others and self through compassionate and empathic love.

The teachings of Serapis on mindfulness and developing an enlightened consciousness move us to discover within ourselves greater divine light and progressive wisdom in order to accelerate our lives toward our own Self-realization and eternal freedom.

Who Is Serapis Bey

The ascended master Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the white ray of purity, harmony, perfection, and the ascension light. Serapis Bey emphasizes harmony and discipline. His work has been primarily associated with Egypt, where he serves as the Hierophant of the Temple of Luxor and is connected to the Egyptian Lodge.

The clairvoyant Charles Leadbeater described Serapis Bey as tall, and fair in complexion. He is Greek by birth and his face is very distinguished and ascetic, somewhat resembling the late Cardinal Newman.
Serapis Bey is described as a no-nonsense master, dedicated to helping individuals overcome their human ego and move into a state of unity. Despite his strict and disciplined nature, Serapis Bey is also poetic, insightful, and capable of conveying deep spiritual truths in a simple and natural manner. His teachings guide students toward a life of holiness, service, surrender, selflessness, and divine love.

His teachings are foundational in the process of ascension, which is the final initiation for students of the light, as demonstrated by figures like Jesus Christ. His focus is on the path to Oneness, harmony, and beauty, and those who resonate with his energy are often driven to bring harmony to their environments. More