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Spirituality 4 Kids: Discover the Real You!

Price: $14.95
  • SKU3200-1-0071
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Spirituality 4 Kids: Discover the Real You!

by Serena Gaefke
Paperback 88 pages

This divinely inspired book by Serena Gaefke is a unique introduction to spirituality for children ages 7 – 13. It is replete with instruction, humor, adorable images, puzzles, teasers, and laughter! Children are introduced to topics such as the soul, reincarnation, the ascended masters, the presence of God within, peace begins within, prayer, their life purpose, the golden rule, the body temple, the power of music and much more.

The language and tone of the book are perfectly suited for children ages 7 - 13. The puzzles and activities make it a page turner, with anticipation for the next surprise! Are you a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend or neighbor of children in this age group? Then this book is for you – to share with them!



  • Deepens kid’s self-esteem through revealing their own divine nature.
  • Enhances their sense of purpose through understanding their life plan and mission.
  • Fosters personal responsibility and accountability through an awareness of karma and reincarnation.
  • Promotes a healthy body image that is based on a spiritual perspective.
  • Provides a spiritual perspective on music choices.
  • Helps prepare kids for facing peer pressure as they grow up.
  • Suggests ways to connect with the Divine.
  • Provides an overview of the ascended masters and how we are destined to ascend to God.

And does all this, through an inter-faith, ascended master perspective!


How is this book different? This book provides a spiritual perspective that embraces religious paths of east and west as well as new age philosophy. If this is the path you are on – or would like be on – this book is for you! Now you can take advantage of this opportunity to share your spiritual beliefs with your kids!

This book will help you discover the real you. It was there all along!

The chapter titles include:

Who are you? A journey in God-Self discovery
So, why am I here? What do I do with my life?
Your actions matter - here’s why and what to do about it!
Been there, done that!
You are a powerful spiritual being
Heaven has powerful spiritual beings too!
So you’d like to become an Ascended Master?
Tests are coming – and I don’t mean school tests!
Got connection?
Are you good looking or what?
Music on your spiritual path


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