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Dance of the Soul

Price: $24.95
  • SKU3200-2-0073
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Dance of the Soul: Peter Deunov's Pan-Eu-Rhythmy by Ardella Nathanael

Softbound: 303 pages CD included

This is the most extraordinary set of healing and uplifting and inspiring exercises I've ever encountered!!! Dancing PanEuRhythmy is a wonderful experience. The air is gentle upon our faces, the turf soft beneath our feet and the music is of another world... Hear the compelling strains of the music, and wherever you dance it, the angels who guide this work will sweep down and enfold all in their divine love, and hills and meadows and rivers will rejoice, and dancers and devas and the world of nature will become one in the healing love of the Divine.


Ardella Nathanael is a dancer in the highest sense of the word. Here is her excellent illustrated guide to PanEuRhythmy--a joyous sequence of dances that open the heart, mind, and body to express the awakening, revitalizing dances of the Angels of Divine Love. —LaUna Huffines, author of Healing Yourself With Light: How to Connect With the Angelic Healers


In this wonderful book, Ardella Nathanael opens the doorway to Peter Deunov's brilliant work of music and movement. —Don G. Campbell Founder, Institute for Music, Health and Education

For over twenty-five years I've studied and practiced ancient and modern psycho-physical and Spiritual disciplines. I believe PanEuRhythmy is the most transformational tool for mankind available on this planet today. Never have I felt such a sense of trust, hope, and joy within myself and in the Universe as I have since dancing PanEuRhythmy. —David Fischer


In the Dance of the Soul, Ardella Nathanael gives us the keys to making sacred dance and music once again a living experience of connection to our Cosmic Source. PanEuRhythmy emerges from the Spiritual Hierarchy, the ever-present river of inspiration that ceaselessly uplifts all life on our planet. Anyone who dances the joy and wisdom found in this book will find their energies transformed and their lives uplifted into greater service to all of life. —Gordon Davidson, author of Spiritual Politics and Builders of the Dawn

About the Author

Ardella has been teaching PanEuRhythmy for 28 years and has started on-going groups all over Europe, Australia, New Zealand, North, South and Central America. Her books are published in three languages. ""Ardella Nathanael is a dancer in the highest sense of the word. Here is her excellent illustrated guide to PanEuRhythmy -- a joyous sequence of dances that open the heart, mind, and body to express these awakening, revitalizing dances of Divine Love. —LaUna Huffines, author: Healing yourself with Light.
