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Be Your Own Amazing Genie

Price: $17.95
  • SKU3200-2-0278
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Be Your Own Amazing Genie: Protect and Empower Yourself

by Mary Lee Gorman

Paperback: 192 pages


In this children's book Mary Lee teaches kCatch the happy and cheerful energy that exists everywhere! You can learn how to use that special energy to be your own genie, granting your own wishes and creating a happy and positive life. By relying on yourself, you will become stronger in your spirit as you strive to better yourself. By learning how to positively respond to all of the messages coming at you each day, you will become stronger. Through stories and lessons, you'll learn ways to focus your thoughts and gain positive self-empowerment. You'll put yourself in charge of your own happiness, and you'll find yourself feeling better about yourself. Are you ready to begin this incredible journey? Learn how to live happily and fully. You are unique-one of a kind. Be Your Own Amazing Genie will help you to understand you are important and able to achieve your own wishes. The message is simple and straightforward: take control of your own destiny through your actions. Become your own genie now!