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Apprenticed to Spirit

Price: $16.00
  • SKU3200-2-0164
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Apprenticed to Spirit: The Education of a Soul

by David Spangler , 303 pages


An absorbing memoir of one man's path to understanding how we can learn to lead lives of greater blessing and to be sources of blessing and service for the world as a whole.
For as long as he can remember, David Spangler has been physically aware of a spiritual world existing alongside this one. In 1965, David Spangler left college to follow an inner spiritual calling and encountered an extraordinary presence, which he named "John." Over the next quarter-century John would assist David in exploring the "inner worlds" of the spirit, and would tutor him in some of the most basic mysteries of life and the nature of the human spirit. In "Apprenticed to Spirit, " Spangler recounts how John showed him the way to develop a spiritual intelligence--what Spangler calls "a mind of the soul"--and how to integrate it into everyday life. Spangler learned to think with his soul and embarked on the apprenticeship to understanding the sacredness of our world and of the realms beyond ours--a journey that continues to this day.


David Spangler is a visionary, a spiritual teacher, and the author of several books, including "The Call," " Everyday Miracles," and "Blessing." He is a cofounder of the Lorian Association. He lives in Washington State with his family.


""Apprenticed to Spirit" is a masterpiece of contemporary spiritual literature because it provides readers with a serious, grounded, and authentic story of how one man earned and sustained his relationship with his nonphysical guide. Few people have genuinely accomplished this goal. David Spangler is one who has successfully made the journey."--Caroline Myss, author of "Anatomy of the Spirit" and "Defy Gravity"

"David Spangler has written the kind of life story I most want to read: a story of the evolution of the heart. With candor and deep humanity, he describes a life lived in partnership with inner teachers, and devoted to empowering and inspiring others to recognize and claim their own larger purpose. "Apprenticed to Spirit "is a beautiful modern soul odyssey. Read this book to learn how to navigate inner worlds, how to build a spirited community and grow your group angel, and how to discern a true teacher. Highly recommended."--Robert Moss, author of "Conscious Dreaming, Dreamgates, "and "Active Dreaming"


